Nathan Berlinguette - synths, guitars, effects, tapes
Travis Ryan - synths, feedback machine, effects, samples
Produced by Marcos Fernandes & 5/5/2000
Fin (End) is the apocalyptic title for this debut CD by the San Diego/San Francisco ambient/noise duo 5/5/2000. This is the soundtrack to the end of the world which according to Mayan and other ancient calendars, will come when the first six planets align on May 5th in the year 2000.
The first series of sounds one hears upon listening to this CD: ominous massed feedback, like the haunting guitar tones of a bridge from a Sonic Youth tune, only punched up and presented as the scary aural be-all, without any other song structure to undercut the focused power.
Instrumentation and sources include guitars, tweaked keyboards, samples and tapes of anything from maritime weather reports to engaging noises, and "a whole lotta delay and manipulation." This CD also demonstrates 5/5/2000's discovered ability to integrate breakbeats into their improvs or create curiously soothing soundscapes in contrast to the group's potentially harsh audio attack.